Fun shower steamers from Ayrshire based Surya Luna Naturals.

An aromatherapy experience for your shower!

Simply place one of these steamers to one side of your shower, but out of the way of the direct spray. As the shower heats up and the steamer is splashed with warm water it will start to release the beautiful blends of essential oils into the water vapour in the air and envelope you in its wonderful fragrance.

Refreshing - eucalyptus, lemon and peppermint (great for helping to wake you up or clear stuffy sinuses). Other scents available - please see separate listings.

Each pack contains two single use bars.

Packaged in eco-friendly PLA bags which are compostable and biodegradable.

PLEASE NOTE: These are NOT bath bombs and are not intended for use directly on the skin. Not suitable for children or use during pregnancy.

Ingredients: sodium bicarbonate, citric acid, kaolin clay, eucalyptus globulus (eucalyptus) oil, mentha piperita (peppermint) oil, citrus limonum (lemon) oil, hamamelis virginiana (witch hazel), calluna vulgaris (heather) flowers, limonene, linalool, citral

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Place to the side of the shower—not directly under the water. As the shower heats, the vapour will rise.

DO NOT USE AS A BATH BOMB: not intended for use on skin due to high levels of essential oils.

Not suitable for children or use during pregnancy.

May make the shower slippery.

Clean shower immediately after use.

For external use only.

If irritation occurs discontinue use.




Qty available:1

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